Friday, October 10, 2014

Introducing Dog & Baby

**Introducing My Dog to My Newborn Baby**

For the longest time my dog was my baby! She followed me everywhere and we did everything together. Once I got pregnant I was extremely worried how my dog would handle the change. With each passing month and my belly getting bigger and bigger I could tell that my dog knew what was going on. Zayla would put her head on my belly and could feel my daughter kick and it always looked like she was excited when she felt a movement. Zayla got more protective of me and was constantly by my side, like she was defending what hadn't even come into this world yet. In this sense I knew that zayla would be an amazing dog to my newborn but I still had my worries. For one, zayla is a pitbull... dun dun dun!!! I know this topic is very controversial and can be extremely touchy. Even as a pitbull owner I was still nervous, even if I owned a cute small fluffy dog I would take precaution. I researched and researched on the best way to introduce your dog to your new baby and how to take the right steps. Well, zayla is lets say complicated lol. Have you ever seen Marley & Me? Thats my dog all the way!! I got a Marley dog and I wouldn't have it any other way :). 
At nights I would hold onto Zayla really tight and kiss you as many times as I could because I knew once my daughter got here that these moments wouldn't come as often. Then the big day came, I was in full labor and about to bring my other baby into this world. Zayla went to stay with my mom for the days I was in the hospital and my husband gave my mom some of things that my daughter was either wearing or wrapped in. Needless to say when my mom had Zayla smell the items she could of gave two shits about the smell and went on about her day. My mom tied the blanket (loosely) around Zayla's neck like she was wearing a cape and had all her beanies laying around her and still Zayla didn't pay no mind to it. So instantly I was worried, if she wasn't caring to get use to the smell how will she react when the smell is now in her home and what she knows as her territory? The day came when I finally brought my daughter home, I had her laying in her crib when my husband brought Zayla through the door... and my fear kicked in. Zayla ran around the place like she normally does and came into the babies room, walked in and walked right back out. I was so relieved that she didn't mind until my daughter started crying. Then I noticed that Zayla didn't even know there was a baby in the room until she heard the sound and my dog went nutso!!! She was jumping up on the crib and freaking out, and I didn't know what to do! My husband picked up the baby and this made my dog timid and she didn't like that at all! So we put the baby back down and just let Zayla listen to her crying for a minute. The first night was rough, I put Zayla in her kennel and she stayed there until I was ready to let her out. The next day she acted like her and my daughter were best friends. It's like she knew that this was her new life and she had to get use to it. She started laying down next to wherever my daughter was sleeping and always seemed protective when she cried. As the weeks went by it was nothing but face licks and instant love between the two. I couldn't be even more happy with the outcome. So if you are introducing your dog to your new born I would suggest doing it how you know your dog will respond to it. My dog could of cared less about smelling her items so maybe it will work for you! However, we never scolded her for going in the nursery and we always talk nice when the two are together so my dog feels comfortable. I can't wait til my daughter is old enough to play and roll around with my dog, with me still supervising of course :)

Friday, October 3, 2014

2 months postpartum (without breastfeeding)

2 Months Postpartum

It's been 2 months since I have given birth to my beautiful baby girl and I am really happy with the way my body has turned out after pregnancy. To give you an idea I was 140 pound's pre pregnancy at 5'7". In the end I totaled a whole 185 pounds!! I gained 45 pounds throughout my entire pregnancy and to be honest it didn't look like I had gained that much due to having a longer torso. :) After she was here I'm not quite sure what my weight dropped down to, however, I got a uterus infection one week postpartum and when I went to my doctor and she weighed me I was 170. I had lost 15 pounds within the first week. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to breastfeed (which I will explain why in another post) so I didn't get the help of burning those extra calories. I am now 160 lbs, losing 25 pounds all together. I still have another 15-20 pounds to lose which will come with time. I haven't been working out but I have been making home made meals and not eating out. My husband works on the oil rigs so I am home alone running the baby around, working full time and doing what all needs to be done by myself. So it helps that I am very busy and productive. I did go back to work after 6 weeks because I was so stir crazy sitting at home, but getting to come home to my baby after a long day is the most rewarding feeling! 
 I have ordered a waist training corset that should be here soon so I will be starting to waist train to get my body back to where it use to be. I am thinking about to doing a follow my journey type thing with the waist training to see if it really makes a difference.. eeeeeeeekkkkkk I am sooo excited!! Other than my weight my body healed wonderfully after delivery. Although, It did help that I was extremely busy from day 1 after being discharged from the hospital. My mom was getting married 4 days after my daughter was born and I was the maid of honor!! I was running around and doing alot more than I should of. But in the end It made my recovery alot faster. I stopped bleeding after 8 days and my lady parts stopped being sore 1 week postpartum. I am really grateful for having such a fast recovery, I hear horror stories about girls who are down in bed for extreme backpain, headaches and overall just being drained and sore. It takes a toll on our mind and bodies having a baby and I give mad props to every woman who has had a baby. It's alot of work and they call it labor for a reason! Just keep your head up and think postive. You just had a baby, it took you 9 months to gain all that weight and it will take time to get that weight off. Either way you are beautiful for being able to create that wonderful baby! Give yourself some credit and eat that bowl of ice cream if you want to, you deserve it :)